Thursday, July 20, 2006

Put Google Calendar on your Windows XP Desktop

1. Right-click on your desktop and select "properties"
2. Click the "Desktop" tab
3. Click the "Customize Desktop" button
4. Click the "Web" tab
5. Click the "New" button
6. For "Location:" put in
7. Click "Properties" for this URL
8. Click the "Schedule" tab.
9. Add at least one time each day to do the sync.
10. Click OK to make each window go away.

And voila! you have your google calendar always available on your windows desktop. This works great with the Win-D shortcut that minimizes all of your active windows leaving you just with your calendar. Then you are a "Quick Add" click away from adding a new event to your Google Calendar.


At 11:39 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

oh, you clevuh, clevuh girl. (stewie)

At 12:07 PM, Blogger admin said...

doree - make sure you launch IE and login to Google Calendar, then this should work for you. Make sure you click the "Remember me on this computer" checkbox on the google login page.

You might need to navigate back to where you went in step #4 and click "syncronize" to make this take effect.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Help I would like a full screen calendar to appear it is on my desk top but only as a 2x2 square.

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if I don't have a "web" tab when I go to the "desktop" tab?

At 5:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:10 PM, Blogger pedro velasquez said...

I use Goggle calendar both online and with Sunbird.sportsbook I love the convenience of this gadget to quickly see my events. However,bet nfl I have found one problem. I'm using an HP laptop with Vista. When I close the lid it blanks the screen. When I open the lid and the screen refreshes, this gadget doesn't appear. I only see a blank white square where the calendar should be. I have to close the sidebar and reopen it to get the gadget to show

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Now google calendar has whited out my whole desktop. How do I get it back to manageable size? I can't find any way to adjust this!

At 1:27 PM, Blogger pedro velasquez said...

I hate (I’m sure you do as well) that many windows floating around on my screen. Sportsbook But there are times when you cannot avoid. One certain application window I always keep was the Google Calendar window. But then I hate cluttering my Windows bar with that many windows. I just came across this invaluable (at least to me) tip to bring Google Calendar on to my desktop so it will always be readily available to me in a click of a key (actually 2, Windows + D. When you do this, Windows might complain about unable to sync to the page etc. online betting Just say "Ok" to that and close all the windows by clicking "Ok".
Expand the window on your desktop as much as you want or in my case what I did was I clicked on the little menu (a down arrow when you hover over the top of that desktop window) to select the "Split Desktop with Icons" option. By this way I have access to my desktop icons as well Google Calendar on the side. march madness Great! Now you should be able to see the Google login page on your desktop. Just key-in your login credentials and make sure to check the "Remember me on this computer" option and hit the login button. It might open up another window (the default web browser that you’ve set on your computer) with Google Calendar rendered.

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:32 AM, Blogger Mrk said...

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At 7:13 PM, Blogger Kyle Grando said...

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